A Day at the Park
We have had a few sunny days in between rainy ones. We went to the park and Andy wrestled with the kite while the boys tried to help. I was amazed at his patience and determination…all of them. I hung out with Josie and we had our own photo shoot. She was more than happy to pose for the camera. This was a great day. We had so much fun on this day before mother’s day. It made me so thankful for the gift of being a mother. It is the hardest job I have ever taken on, however, there is nothing I would rather do. My kids have brought so much joy to me and I am blessed to be chosen to be their mom.
My mother’s day was great. Some highlights were getting woken up at 7:30 with breakfast in bed, all fixed by the boys, on their own since Daddy was at work. They gave me wonderful gifts that they had made. I got a beatiful card from Andy saying I can pick out something new for running (my latest hobbie, if you can call it that). Lunch with Andy’s family, with a nap included. Cards from my sisters. It ended with an amazing dinner that my sister made for my mom and I. And of course watching the finaly of The Amazing Race. We had great fun and I felt very special. Here is the poem Coleman wrote for me in school (I believe the last word was forgotten, but Coleman insists this is not the case).
A mother’s love is special.
It cannot help but show.
Like flowers in the garden.
Her love makes children.
It cannot help but show.
Like flowers in the garden.
Her love makes children.
Judah was excited to pose with Josie.
What a happy girl!
I attempted to mess with the color and try to be cool…I don’t think I’ve got it.
Judah in deep thought

My joy…