Day Seven We were met at the train by Sutthida and Jongjit and were off in a big van and all of our other luggage in a taxi to our new hotel. I’ve never wanted to brush my teeth and shower so bad, but…no time! We had to get to the place to eat so we would be done in time for the elephant camp! The restaurant was a vegetarian thai buffet. It is my opinion that vegetarian food is way better here than in America. After lunch we came back to the hotel so anxious for showers, but we had no towels in our room and the elephants were waiting! The elephant camp was really incredible. We watched a whole show and got to pet the elephants and feed them bananas and sugar cane. The kids loved that part. I couldn’t believe their power as they just snapped those pieces of sugar cane in half! We had dinner at the hotel and they even had a little italian food, not that great, but something a little different. The kids were sad because swimming did not happen. Everyone was way too exhausted! But Edmund, Sarah, Sutthida, Jongjit and I all went to the night market. This is a huge market that goes for blocks. We looked around for a bit and then Sarah was enjoying looking so much that she didn’t see the step in front of her and tripped, twisting her ankle. Poor Sarah! So that was the end of the night market for us. We were all tired anyway, and after all, it was our bedtime…8:30! Jongjit and Sutthida are ready to play with Josie
Cool vegetarian restaurant
The elephants get their bath
Coleman pets the trunk
Elephants can paint…who knew?
The elephant puts a hat on Edmund
…mmm…sugar cane and bananas!
Sarah gets to pet the elephant
…and gets a strong squeeze also.
Josie loves it!
Papa and Judah walk back after seeing the elephants
Day Seven We were met at the train by Sutthida and Jongjit and were off in a big van and all of our other luggage in a taxi to our new hotel. I’ve never wanted to brush my teeth and shower so bad, but…no time! We had to get to the place to eat so […]