DAY TEN This morning started out with Judah not feeling well and then getting sick at breakfast. We took this as a sign that his little body just couldn’t go at the pace we were going and he needed a break. Andy stayed behind at the hotel with him. We went to 7-11 and got him Gatorade and the rest of us went to an orchid farm and the botanical gardens. We didn’t stay out for too long. We were all very tired. Poor little Josie got so upset on the way back she was crying and screaming and wouldn’t calm down. When I changed her diaper I saw that she had a horrible diaper rash. Everyone was ready for a rest. The boys had McDonalds for lunch. Judah slept most of the day and Josie had a long nap too. Everyone else went to get noodles and brought some back for me. The boys got to spend longer at the pool which they were very happy about. The night ended eating at a Chinese restaurant at the hotel and one more night at the market for more shopping of course! To enter the orchid farm they gave us a pin with an orchid on it. Coleman wasn’t too excited about wearing a flower.
Sarah coming out of the butterfly exhibit
Josie enjoyed her nap at the orchid farm
I love this picture!
Charlie, Sutthida, Jongjit and Coleman
Coleman’s favorite treat
The Venus fly trap. Sarah and I convinced the boys that if they stuck their fingers inside it would chomp down and they would lose their finger. Don’t worry, we later told them the truth.
Cooling off in the mist
DAY TEN This morning started out with Judah not feeling well and then getting sick at breakfast. We took this as a sign that his little body just couldn’t go at the pace we were going and he needed a break. Andy stayed behind at the hotel with him. We went to 7-11 and got […]