Judah’s 4th birthday As always I feel like I am just barely trying to keep up. So Judah’s birthday was on December 6th…just a little behind. Judah loves being at church. He always wants to go whenever Andy is going. He runs to get his shoes on and cries out “wait for me!” One time I asked Judah why he liked going to church so much and this was his response: Judah – I like it because I get to ride in the church van and because Angie makes me hot chocolate. Jen – Yes, but if you couldn’t do either of those things, would you still like going to church? Judah – (pause for a moment) That would never happen! He had been saying for awhile that he wanted to have his birthday in the church van, so that’s what we did. Yes, we did it all. We decorated the van while he was in class and then pulled it up in front of the church to surprise him. He loved it! We drove home in it, ate lunch in it, opened presents in it and had cupcakes in it. Definitely not your average kid’s birthday party, but it was all he dreamed of. He went to bed saying “this was the best birthday party ever!” It really is the simple things I guess. Charlie begins the decorating
Josie is also overjoyed about the church van
“It’s just what I always wanted!” –Judah
Party time
Taking his cupcake very seriously
A quick nap before phase two of the party
A trip to Starbucks for another of Judah’s favorite things…hot chocolate!
I love this guy so much
Judah’s 4th birthday As always I feel like I am just barely trying to keep up. So Judah’s birthday was on December 6th…just a little behind. Judah loves being at church. He always wants to go whenever Andy is going. He runs to get his shoes on and cries out “wait for me!” One time […]