Andy’s turn… So Andy has been working on a little project of his own. Well, Charlie’s project, I should say. Yes, this is Andy’s “house fly”. It was Charlie’s turn to come home with a project and as soon as Charlie began explaining what was required, I knew. This had Andy’s name written all over it. Magnetism and Electricity Project This required two things that, for me, (and I use Charlie’s quote from when he was 3 yrs old) “I don’t know about that and I don’t think about that”. Maybe I was still recovering from my house fly experience, but I had no interest in a motor, battery, wood and wires. No thanks. But I could see Andy’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree when he came home from a trip to the store with Charlie and all their necessary equipment. So on that Saturday that was supposed to be reserved for yard work, the assembly began. As I was out pulling weeds and listening to the sweet hum of whatever that tool is that shaves, carves, sands, etc. I was so happy for my extremely handy husband. I look over my shoulder and see Charlie out riding his bike. “Why aren’t you helping Daddy with your project, Charlie?” “Oh, he doesn’t need my help with this part. He’s got it. He said I could help later.” Oh how I laughed and I laughed. I know this all too well. All of my feelings of making the best house fly EVER came back to me. I just sat and smiled as Andy showed me his handiwork of how he had carved the wood out just so to fit the battery. “Come on. Look how nice that is. You have to admit it’s pretty amazing.” The project is not in its completion just yet. I will be sure to put up a picture as I know it will blow all of your minds… Andy eagerly pulls out the supplies. Where’s Charlie? Probably on his bike…enjoying his Saturday.
Andy’s turn… So Andy has been working on a little project of his own. Well, Charlie’s project, I should say. Yes, this is Andy’s “house fly”. It was Charlie’s turn to come home with a project and as soon as Charlie began explaining what was required, I knew. This had Andy’s name written all over […]