Sisters, continued… So I have made a mistake. I left out a sister-in-law. I don’t have a picture of her with all the rest of us because this is a sister-in-law I inherited when I got married. This is someone that I don’t see as often as my other sisters, someone who I may not have as long of a history with. This is someone who I really only met a handful of times before I married her brother. But this is an amazing woman, and I do mean amazing. This is Sarah. I love Sarah. She is the kind of person who always knows just what to say. She talks to anyone, and I do mean anyone, as if they have been her friend for years. She does this because she genuinely cares about people. This was exemplified by all of the people who came to her wedding. I was amazed as I watched people that Sarah had known since middle school show up for her wedding in a little town in South Dakota. People traveled all over for Sarah. She has this affect on most everyone she meets. I mean this is the woman who made sure her brother and I had french press coffee every morning in Eagle Butte, South Dakota. I will never forget her boldly walking into the gas station, french press in hand, to fill ‘er up, since we had no boiling water in our motel. And even though she drinks it black, she had half and half on ice and sugar for this spoiled coffee drinker. This is love. I always look forward to spending time with her. She makes me laugh and she loves her nephews and niece so much. She has so many wonderful things about her and as I write this I am so happy I get to see her in just a few days.
Sisters, continued… So I have made a mistake. I left out a sister-in-law. I don’t have a picture of her with all the rest of us because this is a sister-in-law I inherited when I got married. This is someone that I don’t see as often as my other sisters, someone who I may not […]