No, we did not go off to tropically-jungly-rainforest. But almost just as exciting…decorating for our vacation bible school with a rainforest theme! Yep, I did it. I took on the summer project of decorating a total of 12 rooms, a sanctuary, and a foyer. Am I slightly crazy? Absolutely. But if you happened to read a previous post regarding a house fly project, you will know that I sometimes have some crazy ideas going on in my head they are just dying to come out. Well, this was just the opportunity. As usual, did I really understand the depth of what I was getting myself into? Not so much. Did I think it would involve almost everyday of the month of July? Not really. Did my kids ever complain about going to the church to decorate? NEVER! They were amazing. They were such troopers, and so were all the staff who let my rascals run around, rearranging things and asking for hot chocolate and candy. Yes, I had a vision for this rainforest and I knew what I didn’t want. I didn’t want it to look like someone tried real hard and sort of made it look kind of jungly. No, it had to be totally legit. And I may have gotten a little crazy when on day one of the actual VBS I was all in a panic because I didn’t see my fog machines turning on. “Where’s my fog? Why don’t I see my fog? It has to be going when the kids come in!” That’s right, I did say MY fog. So I get a little carried away. But it was worth it. The kids loved it. The parents loved it. My kids were sad when it was all over. Mission accomplished. But when it was all over and we were putting away the last of the decorations in the sanctuary, Allison (the children’s ministry director) says to me, “so I think we can reuse these butterflies and dragonflies for next year, don’t you Jen?” I replied with, “Yes, sure.” Allison says, “So, by you saying yes, I assume that means you’ll be doing it again next year?” She says this with her sweet little smile. “Too soon, Allison. Just a little too soon.”
I apologize for the lack of fog.
Life in the Rainforest
No, we did not go off to tropically-jungly-rainforest. But almost just as exciting…decorating for our vacation bible school with a rainforest theme! Yep, I did it. I took on the summer project of decorating a total of 12 rooms, a sanctuary, and a foyer. Am I slightly crazy? Absolutely. But if you happened to read […]