I realize these are words that do not seem to go together. Believe me, I thought I would never associate those two…ever. More of the words that came to mind would be misery, stinky, unfortunate, least-favorite-parenting-job-ever. But then I had a little girl. Everything is different with a girl, including the arduous task of potty-training. Now I won’t get too graphic about all of my potty-training woes over the last ten years, but let’s just say that at times I would have rather have been doing just about anything, and I do mean anything, than cleaning up my little one’s poo. I love all of my children dearly and would and have done anything for them. And some of it was just down right dirty. As I think back over the years of potty-training some quotes (sad, but true) come to mind. “I think it’s a present for you!” –a certain someone says to me after pooping in their potty. “Mommy, sometimes that just happens.” –another someone after the 150th accident. “You can leave me alone. This is going to take awhile.” –someone sitting on the potty “Are you going to lose your patience Mommy? I don’t think you should.” –someone after an accident. “I can’t believe I pooped my pants again!” –this someone actually seemed surprised at this unfortunate event. I have had to clean up poo in public places I won’t even say because it’s downright embarrassing. (I realize this is a little gross, but these are the realities with children) And when I had a girl, is it surprising that one of the first things that popped into my head was something I had heard from many other moms who had absolutely no problems whatsoever with potty-training? Girls are so much easier. I hung onto those words. I mean really trusted and believed with all my heart that this would in fact be true. And I have to say…it’s true. Josie seemed like she might be ready. Could it be? She just turned two! Am I really prepared to walk down that long, dark and stinky road again? I can do this. I survived potty-training three boys…I can do anything. And so I set out on this journey for one final time. Day One – 2 accidents, excited to go on the potty
Day Two – 3 accidents, not as excited, in fact a little scared to go on the potty (the memories begin to come back with a vengeance, I don’t think I can do this one last time.)
Day Three – No accidents. My girl is potty-trained. What? Did I really just write three days and that is it? Not even possible. I still feel like it could be too good to be true, but I am taking it. I am loving it. I am confident. Gave away the diapers. Gave away the wipes. No turning back. Yes…bliss. My baby is big. And that is sad. But changing poopy diapers and cleaning up poopy messes? GOODBYE!!!!!!!
Potty Training Bliss
I realize these are words that do not seem to go together. Believe me, I thought I would never associate those two…ever. More of the words that came to mind would be misery, stinky, unfortunate, least-favorite-parenting-job-ever. But then I had a little girl. Everything is different with a girl, including the arduous task of potty-training. […]