I discovered this year that choosing and shopping for Halloween costumes brings about similar feelings that spring up with school supply shopping (see previous post). The steps always seem to go a little something like this:
Step 1: The kids begin coming up with grandiose ideas of who or what they would like to be.
Step 2: I remind them that I am one of those cheap moms who only buys used costumes, makes homemade ones, or, at the very least, purchases costumes for no more than $10.
Step 3: This is where things get a little dicey. We go to Goodwill to check out the costumes. At this point I also remind them that if they don’t find what they want, we will go to other places…just not today. This is always a real hit with them.
Step 4: The kids are immediately drawn to all the gory, freaky looking costumes and masks. I gently try to steer them away. (I’m sorry Coleman, I know it’s tough to understand why I won’t let you dress up as a Mad Hatter-Troll-Wizard-with one eye guy).
Step 5: Judah chooses a costume that is way too big for him and I have to explain why we can’t just “pick one up” in his size.
Step 6: We leave Goodwill empty-handed. Then repeat steps 1-5.
Now before anyone starts judging me for not marching my kids into the Disney store and letting them pick out a $50 costume each…just take a look at past years.
Pirate and Frog
Pirate Peter Pan
Astronaut Darth Vader, Astronaut, Frog
Charlie Bucket, Cheerleader, Buzz Lightyear, Lizard or Snake (still a debate in this house)
Speedy Gonzales, Darth Vader, French Artist, Tinkerbell
-I think we’ve done alright over the years…
Halloween costumes
I discovered this year that choosing and shopping for Halloween costumes brings about similar feelings that spring up with school supply shopping (see previous post). The steps always seem to go a little something like this: Step 1: The kids begin coming up with grandiose ideas of who or what they would like to be. […]