Like most people, our month of December was full of parties, lots of lights, presents, and treats beyond treats. But it is always such a magical time…especially for the two youngest ones in our house. We had so many different church events and the kids heard the Christmas story over and over. And really, can we ever hear it too much? Little baby Jesus, born in a manger, entered the world as a babe to save us all. I love hearing this story and I really love hearing the kids talk about it. Judah had a few concerns regarding Christmas that had nothing to do with the nativity. He wondered out loud on several occasions if Santa Clause ever gets presents. I told him I wasn’t really sure. This wasn’t enough of an answer for him. He decided he would have to get his answers straight from the top. As we were driving in the car about a week before Christmas Judah told me his plans… “When I get to heaven there are a few things I’m going to do. First, I’m going to give God a big hug and kiss and tell him how much I love him. Then I’m going to thank him for all the things he made on this earth and thank him for always protecting us. And then I’m going to ask him if Santa ever gets any presents for himself on Christmas.” It sounded like a good plan to me, but Judah just couldn’t wait until he gets to heaven. He came to his own conclusion on Christmas eve. As he was setting out cookies and milk for Santa it hit him. “I’ve got it!” he said. “While Santa is out delivering all the presents on Christmas eve, his elves are working hard to get his presents ready so when he comes back to the North Pole, there they are. All ready for him to open!” Mystery solved. And with that he was off to bed while visions of sugar plums danced in his head.
Had we sent out a Christmas card, this photo may or may not have been featured…
Christmas Magic
Like most people, our month of December was full of parties, lots of lights, presents, and treats beyond treats. But it is always such a magical time…especially for the two youngest ones in our house. We had so many different church events and the kids heard the Christmas story over and over. And really, can […]