Coleman turned ten years old today. Yes, it’s hard to believe. It feels like only yesterday we were racing to the hospital, Andy speeding and me shouting out profanities and screaming in fear. And before we knew it, there he was, little Coleman Joseph, only 6 lb. 2 oz. The tiniest little thing with dark, dark hair. Coleman has brought so much joy, laughter, craziness and beauty into our family. He is always sketching, always creating. He really thinks things through before he speaks. Who knows where he gets this from. He is amazing. We all love him so much. We celebrated with a family dinner at home, ice cream cake, and a couple gifts. I’ve realized with Coleman, as long as he is hanging out with his family and/or friends he is happy. Another thing I love about him, he is content. Happy birthday to my second son who couldn’t wait to come into this world. I love you buddy.
Another kid in the double digits
Coleman turned ten years old today. Yes, it’s hard to believe. It feels like only yesterday we were racing to the hospital, Andy speeding and me shouting out profanities and screaming in fear. And before we knew it, there he was, little Coleman Joseph, only 6 lb. 2 oz. The tiniest little thing with dark, […]