Charlie’s birthday was on the 9th and he celebrated like everyone celebrates birthdays around here; a lot of food and a lot of family. Actually I believe his celebrating began when he went to the boys jr high sleepover the night before. This night consisted of all things jr high boys live for; junk food, […]
Author: Jen
Jen Hirschman starting writing on this blog that her husband, Andy, started to post pictures of their remodel on their house. That turned into Jen taking the blog over, only to post silly family stories and photos, update family and friends on some happenings, and then abandon it from time to time. Enjoy!
Another kid in the double digits
Coleman turned ten years old today. Yes, it’s hard to believe. It feels like only yesterday we were racing to the hospital, Andy speeding and me shouting out profanities and screaming in fear. And before we knew it, there he was, little Coleman Joseph, only 6 lb. 2 oz. The tiniest little thing with dark, […]
My Dad
A man who has taught me many things. These include, but aren’t limited to: riding a bike, appreciating art, loving music, introducing me to Diet Coke (unfortunately), working hard, responsibility, loving Jesus, the sacrifices of being a parent, humor, making any experience fun, and creativity. I know there are more I’m forgetting. As a little […]
How did I get here?
This week we officially registered our firstborn for middle school. I can’t be old enough to be here already. Visit the school, check. Sit through orientation meeting, check. Sign up for classes, check. Stare blankly off into the distance remembering when I registered Charlie for kindergarten and feel like sobbing, check. Charlie is more than […]
I know, I’m not in charge.
This is what comes out of Josie’s mouth immediately after she tells one of “her boys” what to do. It’s like she can’t help herself in the moment, but quickly remembers that she, in fact, is not in charge. And before I can correct her she does it for me. It’s actually become quite convenient. […]
Josie and Justin Bieber
Since we’ve been snowed in this week we’ve watched far too much TV. One of the movies we watched was Never Say Never. For those who haven’t heard of this movie, it is not a James Bond film. It’s a movie about Justin Bieber. If you don’t know who this is, you’ll have to google […]
Christmas Magic
Like most people, our month of December was full of parties, lots of lights, presents, and treats beyond treats. But it is always such a magical time…especially for the two youngest ones in our house. We had so many different church events and the kids heard the Christmas story over and over. And really, can […]
The Cowboy’s back
You heard correctly. I believe it was only a short 3 months ago that I was brought to tears over Judah choosing to retire his cowboy boots and hat. But fear not, his love for his boots and cowboys shirts and slowly made its way back into the rotation, worn with skinny jeans, of course. […]
This year was big for me since it was my first time hosting Thanksgiving at our house and cooking a turkey by myself. It seems surprising, oldest child, house made for hosting…but we usually head out to our parents. This year was different. Our families were a little more spread out so we did it […]
When kids mess with phones…
You never know what sorts of things might happen to your phone. Here’s what happened to mine…