
That one time I tried to be a hip hop dancer

I’m not sure why I thought I would be able to hold my own in a hip hop dance class. It seemed like a good idea when two of my friends invited me. “We’re not very good and we’re older than everyone else, but it’s so much fun. The teacher’s great, we’ll be there with […]


Pumpkin Time

Well, I did it. I went to a Pumpkin Patch for the first time, and I have the pictures to prove it. We made a decent attempt last year, but after a wet, disastrous chain of events, we gave up and went to our “special pumpkin patch” as I wrote about. But this year was […]


Fashion forward

Anyone who has met Josie knows that she has her own style. She knows what she likes and she lets no one tell her otherwise. After having three boys, I had no idea that a five-year-old could be so particular about clothing. The thing about Josie is she likes to accessorize. She must not leave […]


Exciting News!

Don’t you love reading emails/blogs/texts/facebook posts that start with that title? The exclamation point adds extra anticipation! If the writer is a woman, guaranteed you think she’s announcing a pregnancy because what in the world else could be exciting news with an exclamation?! Rest assured, we aren’t adding to the earth’s population with anymore Hirschman’s. […]


It happened

My baby started kindergarten. All four of our kids are now in school. How did we get here? It doesn’t even seem possible. Josie had been looking forward to this day for about two years now. I can’t count how many times we would drop the boys off at school and she would ask when […]


Full circle

Here I sit, on the very couch that I sat our four kids down on when we had our Berenstain Bears moment two months ago. We survived our summer without movies/TV shows/video games…mostly. There were some exceptions to the rule. Overall, we did it. There were some great things that happened; the kids read more this […]


Keepin’ it real

I couldn’t help myself. I went and read a bunch of blogs written by a bunch of people who are beautiful, eat out all the time, take amazing photographs, and have endless amounts of patience with their kids, with life, with the whole dang world. I know they have more patience than I do because […]


The Berenstain Bears got it right

Summer is bittersweet for most moms. Around April, we’re sick of school, tired of the projects, ready to be released from the chains of early mornings and reading logs. We long for the days of not setting our alarms and the flexibility of seeing where the day takes us. It sounds like a vacation without […]


Josie turns five

Our baby turned five. It’s hard to believe. This fall she’s off to kindergarten where I’m sure she’ll befriend, not only everyone in her class, but everyone at Ridgecrest Elementary, because that’s how Josie rolls. She makes a new friend every place she goes, no matter what age. This concept is completely foreign to me […]


A series of unfortunate events

I think every family has one kid who is accident prone. If anything is going to happen to someone in the family, it’s going to be that one. It’s kind of a rule. Judah’s that one. Judah’s been to the ER the most times, mostly for croup when he was younger, but we ended up […]