I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!I remember a day when I laughed at my friend who had four children and would forget things. By things, I mean events. She would write them on her calendar even check her calendar the night before and still forget it the next day. I just couldn’t understand how […]
Category: Uncategorized
Another birthday! Charlie celebrated his 9th birthday, which is so hard to believe. We had lots of family over and had an ‘amazing race’ which seems to be a trend this year. We just can’t get enough! The kids are still in school, believe it or not. We are all anxious for school to finish […]
A weekend to remember… Coleman wanted a special birthday and he got it. We pretty much spent the whole weekend celebrating. From seeing a movie and picking out a toy at the store to a dinner of his choice, to an amazing race, to more presents and lots of sugar. He is now seven years […]
A Day at the Park We have had a few sunny days in between rainy ones. We went to the park and Andy wrestled with the kite while the boys tried to help. I was amazed at his patience and determination…all of them. I hung out with Josie and we had our own photo shoot. […]
So. Here it is. This is embarrassing. I told myself I would never let this much time go by in between posting, and yet, here I am with an apology. Some of you have probably even given up by now. So I won’t even try to update you on all the happenings in our family. […]
Has it really been a month already since I last wrote? Hard to believe. Lots has been going on. Thanksgiving, The Nutcracker, Judah turned three, snow, cancelled school, report cards, more snow, a Christmas play, cousins’ visit, more snow. So much happening. Lucy and Mae (and of course their parents) came to visit and the […]
Halloween has come and gone once again. Things were hectic as always. We didn’t actually get our pumpkins until the night of Halloween so we ended up carving the pumpkin the next day. Who says jack-o-lanterns have to be displayed before Halloween? The boys insisted this was perfectly okay. Big things are happening here. Coleman […]
Here’s a few pictures I couldn’t resist. There are two highlights of the last couple of weeks. #1 – The boys were staying with Grandma and somehow the topic of baptism came up. Sometime in the conversation Coleman went missing. Grandma found him in the kitchen with soaking wet hair, next to a bowl filled […]
Andy and I celebrated our ten year anniversary on September 26. I think years ago we had hoped for a long trip to some far away place to bask in our romance (with no children). However, we obviously didn’t plan ahead or have crystal ball to gaze into and show us where we would be […]
So I am still getting the hang of this blogging thing and I missed a few great pictures. Also the update on Andy. He had surgery a couple of weeks ago to repair his ACL. He is healing slowly and impatiently. This is a lesson in patience for both of us. And last week at […]