DAY SIX Right now we are on the train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. There is so much to say, but yesterday was very interesting as well. We took the sky train to go to the weekend market in Bangkok. Charles and Jo’s friends met us at the hotel to accompany us on this journey. This market was bigger than any one I have seen before. It was very busy and crowded, which made it slightly difficult with all the kids. It was extremely hot again today and a little hard to shop with everyone, but we managed as our new friend, Chaiyuth, led us through the maze of the market to begin the first of many shopping trips. Andy, the kids and some of the others stayed behind in an air conditioned restaurant. That night we all went to dinner at a restaurant that served the best food I’ve eaten since we’ve been here. Chaiyuth ordered for everyone and did a perfect job! It was all amazing and we all loved the duck, which was served with a lemon sauce and fresh limes on top. Even the boys liked it! And now the train…talk about adventure. When I think of traveling by train I picture the train from the movie ‘White Christmas’. This train is slightly different. It is old, and I do mean old. Let’s just say it is a little rough around the edges. And I won’t go into details about the bathroom situation. The boys think this is the best thing we’ve done yet. They slept great. I wish I could say the same for Josie. But the landscape is so beautiful and I am so glad we had this experience. We are ready for a shower and our first day in Chiang Mai! The ride on the sky train
Suriwan, Sarah and Jo
The spot where Josie wanted to spend most of her time
Our fearless leader, Chaiyuth, leading us through the market
The remote helicopter that Coleman never forgot about
Coleman and Charlie have mastered the chopsticks
Josie plays with Suriwan
Judah takes a walk with Uncle Chaiyuth
Enjoying some shrimp with fried noodles
The train…at night
The boys are ready!
Our sink
The ‘toilet’ down the hall
Yes…the beauty after a night sleeping on the train sharing a bed with Josie
Josie loved it. I believe this is at about 5am
Hanging out in the dining car
The train…by day
Good news…a Starbucks around the corner from our hotel!
DAY SIX Right now we are on the train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. There is so much to say, but yesterday was very interesting as well. We took the sky train to go to the weekend market in Bangkok. Charles and Jo’s friends met us at the hotel to accompany us on this journey. […]