
Heavy Hearted

These last few days have been hectic and I have found myself slightly irritated. Irritated at crazy people driving like maniacs in parking lots, irritated at my squabbling children, irritated that I have so much to do…silly little things. Things that aren’t really of utmost importance in the grand scheme of things. My thoughts continually […]

These last few days have been hectic and I have found myself slightly irritated. Irritated at crazy people driving like maniacs in parking lots, irritated at my squabbling children, irritated that I have so much to do…silly little things. Things that aren’t really of utmost importance in the grand scheme of things. My thoughts continually drift to those who are hurting this season, those with cancer, in the hospital, struggling financially, wondering how they will provide for their children. And in thinking of these dear ones I must stop, pray, be thankful and pray some more. I have more blessings than one can count and I suppose I should be thankful for these mild irritations. And so thankful I am. And I won’t stop praying for Christina, Marjean, the Youngblood family, Daisy, Nina, Mary Rose, and all the others whose irritations are much greater than mine. Merry Christmas.