Judah turned 7 years old and since his birthday fell on a Thursday, his celebration was minimal. What was lacking on the actual day was made up for with a party on Saturday.
A December birthday is hard. Everyone is busy getting Christmas trees, starting shopping, and Christmas carols are played everywhere you turn. But Judah isn’t a complainer. He didn’t whine when I told him I wouldn’t be bringing cupcakes to his class. Before you think I’m completely heartless, last year he told me he didn’t want me to bring cupcakes to school, so I didn’t even think to ask this year. (Plus, he did wait til ten minutes before leaving for school to bring up the cupcakes.) He didn’t roll his eyes in disgust when I didn’t make his favorite dinner because we were racing in between gymnastics classes.
Judah is a happy, content kid, who finds just as much joy in jumping from couch to couch at home as he does going to see a movie. I love this about him. I also love the fact that when I asked him what kind of cake he wanted, he surprised me. I was waiting to hear Avengers, Iron Man, or Captain America. Instead, he said, “It would be cool if you could do something having to do with the Lone Ranger.”
There it was. Somewhere in the middle of skinny jeans, Avengers, and trying to be like his big brothers, is my little cowboy. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t make me smile.