

History is boring. That’s how I felt until right around the age of 26. It’s embarrassing really. I didn’t pay attention in school because I didn’t care. I grew up in Wyoming and Colorado and was confident that I would never travel any further east than Kansas. I wasn’t interested in any world outside of […]



I am determined to write more consistently on this blog. I’ve been telling myself this for awhile now, but as you may have noticed…it’s been slim pickins’. A couple of friends and I have been challenging ourselves to write more often about all sorts of different things. We take turns choosing a topic and then […]


16 years

On Friday Andy and I celebrated our 16 year wedding anniversary with a dinner out. As we sat, gazing deep into each other’s eyes (which proved difficult with steam from the fondue pot pouring in my face) we took a walk down memory lane. One by one we went through each year that we’ve had […]


All four kids…all day…three different schools

We have survived our very first week of all of our kids going to school. All day. That means I have 6 hours, 6 hours 25 minutes, to be exact, of time to myself. First time in 14 years and this is big. Many people have asked, “What are you going to do with all […]


This is 40

There’s a movie with this title and it’s all about a married couple who is unhappy and the wife/mom is freaking out about turning 40. It has a happy ending with the couple rediscovering how much they love each other and figure out how to live life in a new way. But those people in […]


Missed out

Last Sunday on the way to church I was stopped at a red light, waiting awkwardly for it to change. It was awkward because a homeless man was standing just a few feet away from me with a sign asking for help. I smiled, but didn’t want to make eye contact for too long. He […]


Rain, rain, go away…

I love a day when you wake up to the sound and smell of pouring rain. A day reserved for pulling on a sweater and firmly planting myself on the couch with a cup of hot coffee. I love that day when it’s in September, or October, or any other old month except for July […]



We started off our summer with a bang. A little family reunion with 27 people. That’s 27 family members all staying under the same roof for 7 days. About a year ago, my siblings and I realized that there was no way we could all happen to be in the same place at the same […]


Enough already

It’s that awesome time of year when school is really close to being done, except it’s not. Eight days feels like eighty. Homework feels like a joke. Bedtimes are whenever we get around to it which means morning wake up is hell. I’m done.  Next week is the final week, which my kids are calling […]


Tooth fairy can be a real jerk

Josie lost her first tooth. That means we experienced our last first lost tooth. Kind of sad. Lots of lasts coming our way. Every parent knows that losing teeth means losing money, by way of the tooth fairy. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of this made up fairy who, by the way, Josie thinks […]